Friday, October 21, 2011

Ways that Social Media has improved over time in Business Communication

Social media is in my opinion the best form of communication for any type of business. Let's think about how businesses used to have to communicate from the beginning. Back when businesses first started, the only way to get across to each other was by mail. So, it could possibly take a couple of days for a letter to get to another business; which by that time, the information could be irrelevant by whenever they get the letter. Then, came the telephone, which was still somewhat of a hassle, because you could not get an actual document to that business if necessary. So, you still might have to use the mail to get whatever documents.

Next came the invention of flight, so you could get your document to that person faster. After that, people thought of ways that would make it more convenient. So, the fax machine came about and documents could get to that person instantly. Then, that wasn't quick enough, so people started putting their information about their business in the paper as ads. But where it really hit the market was when computers were invented and people put their information on there, and it has just expanded significantly since then.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Advantages of Social Media on Business

The internet is the highest used word of mouth by people. It is one of the fastest growing technologies that I could say I have seen develop over time. Now, almost every business has gone to some form of Social Media in order to get word out about their business. In comparison to old ways of word of mouth was advertising in papers. It seems to me that hardly anybody buys a paper now, everything has gone paperless.

The way that I look at this is that it is an advantage for everybody. Because now that everybody is going paperless, they are saving the environment. As well as, people can now save money by not having to buy a paper as well as pay for the internet. So, people are cutting their costs and still seeing advertisements on the internet of different businesses.

An example of how business users have expanded in social media is the use of those who like AT&T on facebook . In 2005, they had 70,000 members with businesses on their website. In 2010, it raised to 1.7 million people. (AT&T) As you can tell, it is one of the most expanding ways that businesses can get out there. I believe this way of "word of mouth" is going to stick around for a long time. (AT&T)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Small Business In Social Media

Nurse Tech Certified Nursing Aide Training
Most people can think of a common business that has set out and used facebook as a way of getting their business to society. I have included in this blog, my mom's facebook for her business. This is what a common facebook looks like for a business, it has all the basics. In her's, it includes the address of the business as well as what her business is and does. So, when people want to become CNA's, all they have to do is type in CNA in the search. Depending on if you live close to that business; it will most likely pop up.

One you like the business on facebook, you can look at pictures of whatever the creator puts on there; it's mostly about the business. There is also a section that includes what her business does; which is the most common thing on any businesses facebook. She is a very active user for her business on facebook, there is almost a status update every other day. Most of them include when the next session of classes start and congradulations to those who completed the class. Also, there is a discussion tab that is an open discussion for any certain topic.

I used this business social media, because I believe it is constructed well. Because it is updated regularly, people will know if any sudden changes should occur. These are some of the perks of having your business in the social media. It is the new revolution of communicating not only for people, but businesses to people as well.